Note, the format of my Short and Sweet reviews differs in that they simply comprise the book blurb and a short response (hence, the short and sweet).

I was a fan of the UK television series Cold Feet, so when I received this book written by the creator of that series, I was intrigued. Here’s the blurb:

‘Trust wasn’t something you could have in degrees; it was all or nothing…’

When one bad decision sends a happy couple into turmoil and turns an unhappy couple into love’s young dream, there’s only one thing that can keep everything from falling apart: trust.

Greg and Amanda are happy. They’ve been together thirteen years and have two young daughters. They’re still in love. Dan and Sarah aren’t so fortunate. Their marriage has grown stale. They’re going through the motions for the sake of their 15-year-old son.Friends and colleagues, Greg and Dan attend a conference where a chance encounter with two fellow delegates, Lynda and Liz, leads to a drink in the hotel bar, followed by another, and ultimately one too many.The men have an opportunity to cheat. Dan’s not interested. He’s too upright. Uptight too. But Greg, at the age of 39 and conscious that he might never have this opportunity again, is tempted. After all, where’s the harm? Amanda will never find out…

Trust – a deal-breaker in most relationships. But is it possible for broken trust to make a relationship stronger? Author Bullen explores this with insight and humour in Trust, delivering an often laugh-out-loud and thoughtful read about modern relationships. From the opening pages, where Greg tentatively reaches for his wife’s thigh – “Greg edged a hand across the no-man’s land of the queen-sized mattress” – and Dan looks at his wife who has a towel tucked between her breasts but can’t muster any desire (especially since her first words on waking involved ironing), I thought, this writer gets it. He gets the little nuances that are so familiar to anyone in a long-term relationship. It’s clever writing. Secondary character, Geri, Amanda’s divorced older sister is a stand-out character, who adds a little sparkle when the main characters get absorbed in their dramas.  A light but still thought-provoking novel.

Available from bookstores (RRP $29.99AUD) and online. My advance copy was courtesy of Hachette.



Picture of Monique Mulligan

Monique Mulligan

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