Choosing one word to live by for a year, rather than multiple resolutions, is harder for some than others (almost as hard as writing a synopsis … well, maybe not that hard).
I know some people who just pick a word, any word, and that’s it, they go with it. But if you’re anything like me, you analyse and mull and then, when you finally choose a word, you hope it’s not the wrong one.
In 2018, after much thought and looking at word lists for inspiration, the word DIRECTION came to me. This is what I wrote last year, the first time I tried the one word process:
Guidance. Direction. It’s what I’m calling for in my heart.
I want to be open to opportunities, to be brave and take risks where needed – but have the wisdom to know deep down which direction is right.
And as I figure that out, I want to focus my intentions on steering myself in that direction.
As I reflect on 2018, I realise that it took a while to find my direction. Or to trust in it. I had to make some big decisions, such as walking away from a business I loved, in order to steer myself the right way.
[bctt tweet=”I needed to create space to be a writer because I’d used every bit of space I had.” username=”MoniqueMulligan”]
I had to trust my Self, to trust that what my heart was calling for was right, even though I was scared.
I had to be brave.
It was a risk, but ultimately, I knew deep down it was the only way to get myself back on the writer’s path I needed to be on.
And even though I spent much of the year searching my heart about which direction was the right one, I went where the word took me (which was all over the place for a while). I opened myself up to some exciting opportunities and closed the door on things I needed to surrender.
This year, I thought about my one word for a few days … I meditated … looked at word lists but nothing stood out … and then this word appeared in my head: REALISATION.
Why this word? To me it means fulfilling my potential, as well as awareness (of self and others).
In 2019 I want to push forward with my writing dreams, and hopefully, see some results.
And I want to continue to pay attention to my Self – from health, spiritual and emotional perspectives – through meditation, exercise and self-care. By doing this, by giving some space to my Self, I can keep giving to others without losing sight of ME.
The whole idea of choosing one word is this: “Go where it takes you. Be who it makes you”.
Now I have two questions for you:
- What’s your one word for 2019? You can sign up here if you want to make it official (but you don’t have to).
- If you choose one word for 2018, what was it, and how did you live this word?
2 Responses
I think my one word for 2019 is ‘Restraint’ – in the sense of stop trying to do everything, learn how to focus on just a few things that truly matter, stop spending time and effort and money on things that are not important.
Yes, I like that. For me, that is part of my realisation word. I can only realise things (as in potential) if I realise (in awareness) what I need to let in to my life and let go of. I also tend to try to do everything, and I have been consciously working on surrendering things that hinder my focus.