Wherever You Go is now in the hands of three wonderful, much-appreciated beta readers: Teena Raffa-Mulligan, Lily Malone and Maureen Eppen. And I’m waiting … waiting … crossing fingers … waiting …
I’m trying to focus on writing a short romance for an anthology, but at the back of my mind, all I can think about is: ‘Did Maureen skip to the end to find out the answer to a particular question?’ (she’s been critiquing my work, so she’s had a head start), ‘What do they think?’, ‘Do they like it?’, ‘How much?’ and ‘Are there any typos?’
It’s a mix of unsettling, excruciating (okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit), exciting, nail-biting (my nails are rather ragged) and edge-of-the-seat feelings all at once. Can you relate?
I’ve been in their position before. I’ve been a beta reader for Lily Malone and Louise Allan. I’ll bet they felt like I do now. For a beta reader, it’s a giant privilege to be asked to read someone’s manuscript, but you also have to fit reading that manuscript in with the rest of your life.
I get it. It’s not all about my book.
My patient impatience reminded me of a song my sister and I used to listen to when we were kids (don’t blame us, Mum bought the record). I can sing it word for word … well, the chorus, anyway:
I’m going to sing this every time I wonder where Maureen’s up to, if Teena liked the goose part and if Lily thinks the story needs more love scenes. Obviously, I’ll sing it in my head. Obviously.
0 Responses
You’re funny!
I don’t beta read for typos that much, Monique – I must admit. I’m beta reading for character, pacing, story, plot… those type of things. That said – you do have a ‘friend’ in one instance where you’d prefer to have a ‘friand’… and that made me giggle. Check your cafe scene with Irene 🙂
xx It is GOOD, I’m enjoying it very much … but I will have some thoughts for you when I get to the end xx
I’m glad I’m funny. Laughter is often the best way of dealing with things, right?
I always loved this song from Mary Poppins:
The more I laugh, the more I fill with glee
And the more the glee
The more I’m a merrier me, it’s embarrassing
The more I’m a merrier me
As for that friand … I’ll fix it (lol) but now you’ve made me hungry.
I’m sure your readers are enjoying your book, but I totally relate to how you’re feeling—the wait is excruciating. Try to keep busy to keep your mind off it. If you need a fourth opinion, I’d love to return the beta-reading favour. x