BlogBlitz-logoToday I’m participating in the Three Wishes Blog Blitz, hosted by author Juliet Madison! From September 2-6 you’ll have the chance to win some awesome prizes at all the blogs participating in the blitz, including mine. All you have to do is follow my instructions below for winning the prize I have on offer, and then you can click over to Juliet’s blog to enter her prize draw, see the list of all other blogs taking part and enter their giveaways as well. How cool is that? Why is it called the Three Wishes Blog Blitz? Juliet’s new  romantic comedy release, I Dream of Johnny, is about three wishes, a high-tech genie in a lamp, and one very unfortunate typo that proves magic isn’t all it cracked up to be …

But first, a reminder of that famous three wishes scene in Disney’s Aladdin … until now, I hadn’t watched this for years, but it brought back fond memories of Bear and Monkey watching it over and over (and over and over again):


I think Aladdin was pretty clever and I wish I could think as fast as he does. No wait, that was not a wish, I was just saying … it doesn’t count as a wish. Okay? The thing is, if I ever found that magic lamp, I know the genie would fall asleep waiting for my answer … I mean, three wishes out of millions of potential wishes? If you saw me dither over a menu (long menus drive me crazy) … or waited for me to play a word in Scrabble (it’s not that I can’t think of a word, it’s just that I have to calculate what all the possible words cost before playing my tiles). Go on. Ask me my favourite book. I’ll probably give you an answer and then add in several more that are also my favourites. You get the idea … three wishes for me would be a near-impossible task, only achieved after loads of analysing and followed by even more second-guessing.

So, to make it easy on myself, I’m going to share three wishes I have when it comes to writing:

1. That people would use apostrophes properly.

2. That people would use the words you’re/your and they’re/there/their and to/too/two correctly. Among others, like bare/bear, then/than and loose/lose.

3. That people would check their spelling (or ask someone to check it for them), especially in professional circumstances, such as menus, signs, billboards, work emails, flyers and programs. I know it’s easy to overlook things when you’ve read something over and over and/or you’re tired (I did it on the front cover of a newspaper and I wasn’t very happy with myself the next day), but too often, people don’t bother. I’m a bit more forgiving on FB but deep inside, I cringe. Most definitely … and defiantly!

Of course, there are more, but I’ll let you have a turn now. As part of the Three Wishes Blog Blitz I have review copies (excellent condition) of the following books to give away to AU residents only: The Vale Girl by Nelita McDonald and Rules of Conception by Angela Lawrence (click the titles to see my reviews). To be in the draw, simply comment below telling me which three grammar or spelling wishes you have. This competition closes at midday on September 6 and the winner will be notified by email.

Once you’ve entered my giveaway, visit Juliet’s blog here and enter her giveaway too, then visit any or all of the other participating blogs to enter more prize draws. You could potentially win a whole heap of prizes!

Good luck!



Picture of Monique Mulligan

Monique Mulligan

0 Responses

  1. ALADDIN!!! My childhood hero! ^.^
    I’m not eligible to win your prize (U.S. resident. Oh, well), but nonetheless, I very much with that everyone:
    1) Knew how to properly spell, punctuate, and… is “grammarize” a word? Let’s pretend.
    2) Cared enough to do so, at least in public. (How you abuse language among your closest friends as a private joke is your own business.)
    3) Same as your #3. Proofread, people!

  2. WISH 1. I wish I could notice my own spelling/grammar errors as easily as I can spot the faults of others. Often when I’m reading a book I’ll come across typos and wish I could fix them, yet finding my own typos is much harder.
    WISH 2. I wish I had my own grammar/spelling personal assistant to help me fix my mistakes.
    WISH 3. Just like a magic packet of Tim Tams – I’d like a pile of books (without spelling errors!) that never runs out. I sometimes suffer book reviewer envy when I see all those books!

  3. I wish that people would avoid abbreviating everything; all those LOL’s and PMSL’s and everything else makes me feel like I need some sort of guide to figure out what they are trying to say!
    I also wish that the doctor clinic near our home would change their sign from “2 new female doctor’s” to “2 new female doctors”. That was picked up by my 8 YEAR-OLD!!! If she can see it is wrong, then I’m stumped why they can’t!
    And thirdly, I wish that people took more time writing letters or phoning, as opposed to sending off one-sentence replies via SMS (complete with spelling mistakes galore!)

  4. 1. I wish there wasn’t different American and British spelling! It’s unnecessary and makes things really annoying when you’re on like an American website or reading an American book and they spell everything with a ‘z’ instead of an ‘s’
    2. I have to steal your number two because it’s so irritating when people use the wrong one! They have such different meanings and it just looks wrong.
    3. I wish some things were easier to spell, like when to use -ance or -ence at the end of a word.

    Also The Vale Girl sounds really really good, and Rules of Conception interesting so thank you for the giveaway!

  5. I agree with yours, but I also wish people would:
    1. Stop using “his” when they actually mean “he’s”
    2. Use the correct version of saw/seen and did/done.
    3. Post more of those hilarious Auto-correct fails, which I’m pretty sure are all set up, because I’ve never had such a funny conversation via text!

  6. I agree with all your grammar wishes, and I loved that cartoon of Aladdin. My son came in to watch it too and now I have it on repeat.
    Great concept for your post Monique!

  7. Oh my goodness, you are my kindred spirit in the war against apostrophes!
    My grammar/spelling wishes are:
    – not to make a mistake in this post
    – people to spell my name correctly in emails (because it’s right there!)
    – the world to learn that a word ending in s does not necessarily need an apostrophe!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love to win The Vale Girl please.

  8. Wish #1- That when I’m typing, I don’t get the red underline to say I’ve spelt something wrong when I’ve used English spelling.
    Wish #2- That people would stop using a number to spell a word.
    Wish #3- That people would use a dictionary if they don’t know how to spell a word.

  9. wish 1. Stop using abbreviations and use the whole word.
    wish 2. Proof read to make sure it actually makes sense.
    wish 3. Use a full stop. sometimes it just goes on forever.
    wish 4. NO more 🙂 🙁 😉 etc on everything I swear its driving me insane.

  10. Wish 1: That people didn’t get confused with ink and ing. It’s something, nothing, everything.
    Wish 2: That there was no confusion regarding th and f. It’s something, nothing, everything.
    Wish 3: That words would be pronounced as they are spelt. It’s something, nothing, EVERYTHING!

    1. I’ve already said thanks on your facebook page, but I just want to say it again, THANK YOU!

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