I would say good morning, but just tasted my first and last pink grapefruit and it may have affected my mood. It looked so pretty and pink, but I think my eyebrows are still pickled!
It’s a great morning for the bees though; the gum blossoms they are enjoying so much are bound to be far sweeter than my grapefruit. Here they are swarming around a gum tree out the front of my house. It’s still a fairly young tree, but so loaded with flowers it’s positively drooping. The honey bees love it!
I feel a bit ‘droopy’ myself today. Droopy…is that a word? It is today. Maybe I should insert it into conversations (convos) with my kids today. “Oh you had a bad run on the X-box. Droopy”; “Someone at the last biscuit? How droopy is that?”; “You don’t want to do any work today? Droopy for you.” I’ll let you know how I go.
So why the ‘droopy’ feeling? Just like the beautiful gum tree out the front, I am feeling a bit loaded down at the moment (although it doesn’t seem to mind all the attention). I’m having getting to sleep and when I wake, my mind could put a whirling dervish to shame. I’d kind of like to hide in a corner for a while so I can stop the mind-juggles. Bear needs to get his driver’s licence, Monkey needs to accept his boundaries, Music Man needs to eat, Miss Attitude is hormonal…no wonder Blue Eyes has high blood pressure. I’m flying to Sydney for a family wedding and I have implications from that on my mind…there are books squashed in there too – good books, so-so books, books to read, books to review. And songs that just want to stick on replay. I need to ring two media outlets about a potential story, get a haircut, drop Bear at the Global Good Foundation camp (he’s a camp counsellor), clean the kitchen, hang the wash, write this blog and more…before 1pm. Wish me luck.
Don’t get me wrong. I know that this is my reality and I have been gifted with wonderful people, experiences and things. I just need to declutter my head. Ironically, I am a fairly organised person, but I just can’t seem to organise my head. And right now, that would be a step in the right direction. Wish me luck and send me good sleep vibes. A good sleep would do wonders!
“Slow down, you move too fast, you’ve got to make the moment last, Just kickin’ down the cobblestones, looking for fun and feelin’ groovy”

Once you’ve figured it out, look up the lyrics – I’ve just been told (somehow) that this is just the song for an overcrowded, ‘droopy’ mind.