Going away for a few days this weekend past gave me the chance for lots of catching up…with family in my home town of Sydney mainly, but also with books I’m reviewing. The books I chose to read on the plane were fitting in a number of ways – as I flew into Sydney for my family and friends reunion, I read The Reunion by Joanne Fedler, just out now; on the way back to Perth I read Rilka’s Feasts by Rilka Warbanoff, a food-based memoir that gave me lots of ideas for feeding Blue Eyes and the Fab Four.
The reviews are now online at Write Note Reviews – in brief, they were both great reads. I loved the recipes in Rilka’s Feasts and have already tried two out. Not bad when I’ve only been home a day and a half. The Reunion spoke to me on many levels, but particularly as a mother coming to grips with children growing up and ‘away’.
I’ve also managed to complete the Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012 – yes, I know, hardly a challenge when I’m reviewing books…but let me have this little achievement just for a minute…please?
The Write Note Reviews website is constantly evolving and I’m enjoying seeing it take shape and fill with reviews. Blue Eyes has now realised this is my ‘thing’, my hobby, so he leaves me in peace when I am sitting at the laptop…mostly. Coming up soon will be new author insights with Rilka Warbanoff and Deborah Forster (The Meaning of Grace, to be reviewed).
Just for laughs, here are some books I found in a bookshop in Leichardt, Sydney (aka Little Italy). Who recognises the Italian one?