Profile building. As a freelance publicist, I tell my clients to work on this all the time. Now, as an emerging author, it’s my turn to do some profile building. Doing this as Write Note Reviews was one thing … putting myself out there, as Monique, that’s another.
Step one was changing the Facebook page name a couple of weeks ago. Step two took up most of my writing time at the weekend. After much thought, I sat down and created a website as a writer, separate to the one I’ve built as a reviewer. Dithering over which theme I wanted took longer than I wanted, as did working out how to get all the widgets in the right place (I hope I’m not the only writer who talks to herself when working difficult things out). I have a one-track mind when it comes to things like this, so once I made the decision to create the site, it was pretty much all I did for the rest of the day and into the night. If you’re reading this, welcome – you found me! By creating another WordPress site I was able to link to the Twitter and Facebook followers I already have, which was a bonus. Of course, this is just the start, but at least I’m on the way to getting an author profile.
With my focus on marketing, I had little time left for writing, but I did manage to finish a short story and start on the full-length novel I mentioned last week. Unfortunately, start was the operative word; I managed to write one chapter. This morning, when I dragged myself out of bed at 5.30am the words just would not flow, no matter how hard I tried. Eventually, I used the time to type up notes, fragments and ideas, and sent out positive thoughts for a better writing session tomorrow. What do you do when that happens?
Finally, here are some of the pictures that didn’t make it to last week’s Midweek Moment post (a creative photography collaboration with Perth author, Louise Allen):
0 Responses
I love your photos!!
Thank you, Lauriel. I enjoy taking them.
Just beautiful again, Monique! The dew drop, and the feather, and the rose, and the … Love them all!