“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
I fell in love with the idea of kindred spirits when I first read Anne of Green Gables. How I craved one! I had some wonderful friends, but to have someone who seemed so alike in me in terms of my interests (reading, writing, drawing and more reading) was something I ached for, in the same way that Anne dreamed of a dress with puffed sleeves.
Over the years, I have been delighted to meet many kindred spirits who speak the same language when it comes to reading and writing. There’s my mum (I only recognised her as a kindred spirit when I had my own children, in the way most of us do) and Teena, my mother-in-law. When we get together it’s only a matter of time before the words “books”, “reading” and “writing” pepper our conversation. Sometimes that time is a matter of seconds. Teena, who was once my boss at a newspaper we worked at, has been one of my biggest encouragers as I changed the path of my writing journey.
Then there’s Maureen, my critique partner. What started as a tentative “Would you like to read my story?” a few months ago has become an exercise in joint creative support. We’re both new at this and Self Doubt hounds us more often than we would like, but from my part, I couldn’t have a better ally in the art of Self Doubt banishment. Except perhaps for Blue Eyes, who has gone from supporting my “hobby” to reading my work (even the romance story), brainstorming and being my Number 1 fan. In terms of kindred spirits, we’re more aligned in terms of attitudes and values than interests, since he’s not a big reader and has no intention to write for himself, but I value his interest in my interest more than he knows.
There are others. With some there’s an instant connection, like Karen from Serenity Press who I now work with on her Serenity Romance imprint, and Lily, who I met one day on a whim and talked with for hours; with others the connection reveals slowly. My book club friends. Other writers I’ve come to know over the past year like Louise Allan. And there are those who may not be kindred spirits when it comes to reading and writing but offer support anyway. My oldest son who turned up at the Rocky Romance book launch just for me. My sister who isn’t a fan of romance but is going to read my story anyway. I rarely use the word splendid, but when I think of the people in my life who are part of my journey in some way, splendid sums it up well.
I’m up to 27,000+ words in The Simple Life manuscript. An old injury flared up over the weekend which put paid to my plans to get more written, but it didn’t bother me too much. I had a show to see, a Christmas tree to decorate, and presents to make. Besides, I’m not a “churn out the words person” and I have no desire to be.
I haven’t had much of a chance to take photos either, but here are some more from the day two ladybirds caught a lift inside on an apricot I’d harvested. I think they’re pretty splendid, too (the apricots, the ladybirds and the flower they decided to explore).
6 Responses
great post, lovely pictures.
Thank you, Mukul. I enjoyed taking them.
I adore ladybugs.
Writing is such a solitary thing, it’s so important to have people you love and trust around you, and it makes everything more fun somehow, that’s for sure.
Thanks Mon… we sure can talk when we get together and it’s not always about books!
What a beautiful post, Monique! You’re surrounded by many kindred spirits. It’s been lovely to get you know you better over the past year, too, and I love sharing our Midweek Moments!
Sounds like your novel getting there. I’m not a fast writer either, but slowly and surely will get us there, and we have no deadline. I’m not sure I could write a novel to a deadline anyway …
Thank you, Louise.
Slowly, my novel is taking shape. I’m good with deadlines in my work life, but this feels different.