Midweek Moment #43: Contemplation of flight

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre


For those who love bird spotting and taking photos of birds, Wellard Wetlands, near Baldivis, is worth a look. The birdlife was relatively quiet when I went there – around the middle of the day – but I think early mornings and afternoons would be a fantastic time to go. There are several tracks, and some bird hides for safe viewing. As I walked, my senses were teased by the sound of bird call, the rich, earthy smell of the wet ground, and the whisper-light breeze.

This bird on a rock caught my eye, probably because there weren’t many other birds around at the time. The few there were around were flighty (no pun intended) and took off as soon as we approached. This one, however, remained on its rocky perch. I love the water ripples, which lend to the contemplative effect of the photo. Unfortunately, my lens only zooms out to 250m so this is the best I could get.


Louise also went bird-spotting – though we didn’t plan this at all. She strolled around Lake Monger while she waited for her son. It was that time before sunset when everything has a golden glow. The birds were feeding or resting, and although she thought she was keeping a respectful distance, she got too close and a flock took off. She hadn’t meant to disturb them, but it gave her the chance to photograph them in flight.

I love the sense of movement in this picture – as well as that golden glow.

Version 2


About Midweek Moment:
Louise Allan and I are writers who share a passion for photography. As a creative digression from the written word, we share our favourite photos each week in ‘Midweek Moment’. Please click over to Louise’s website to view more of her photography and to read her writing. We hope you enjoy!



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