Dear Helene,
I know you should be working on your manuscript and not reading this letter but, hey, procrastination is an honourable past time for writers. I wish I could be there with you in Cairns as you finish off the final tweaks. It’s time to send your manuscript out into the world, again, and you deserve a hug, many hugs in fact, because this hasn’t been an easy journey and yet you’ve persevered. You’ve juggled a busy career, family commitments and that evil internal editor second-guessing you at every turn.
Courage, my dear, I can assure you that this draft is the one. That doesn’t mean the work will stop. It’s unlikely that you’ll make the best sellers’ list and it would be a miracle if the movie moguls came calling either, but your story will be in the hands of readers, people wanting to be transported from their world to one you’ve created.
But be prepared – being published is just the start of another very, very steep learning curve. All those years in aviation while you worked your way from your first solo flight to flying instructor, and finally to airline captain, are going to look like a leisurely stroll on a sun-drenched beach in comparison.
The publishing world is no place for wimps or quitters. It’s important to find a support network, a writing tribe to call your own. Remember to hold those early connections and friendships close. You’ll need them when the reviews hurt, the sales figures don’t match expectation, and those closest to you question your sanity.
Remember too, the joy to be found in weaving words together, smoothing the cadence, removing the clutter, refining the theme in your story. You write because you have characters who won’t leave you in peace. You write because you have strong opinions about things, feel deeply, but you need to compose yourself. Pull up your big girl panties – thanks, Bethany Clarke, for that piece of sage advice – and write the stories you believe in. Social justice has always been close to your heart. Don’t shy away from the challenge. It’s possible to influence people lightly, subliminally, even while you’re entertaining them.
It’s the role of a writer to shine a light on the hidden, champion the weak, show a different perspective. Let your characters tell their stories and the readers make up their own mind. After all, you are a reader too and love nothing more than being challenged by a story.
Whatever the future brings – 7 books or 70 – be proud of what you’ve achieved and stay true to yourself.
After 28 years as an airline captain and senior manager with the Qantas Group in Australia, Helene Young has swapped the sky for the sea to go in search of adventure with her husband aboard their sailing catamaran. The rural and remote places she visits, along with the fascinating people she meets, provide boundless inspiration for her novels. Her strong interest in both social justice and the complexity of human nature shapes the themes she explores.
Her seven novels have won many awards including back to back wins of the Romantic Book of the Year in Australia, and five awards for Australian Favourite Romantic Suspense. Audio rights have just been sold to Return to Roseglen.
7 Responses
This is a great idea for a series, Monique, and it’s lovely to read Helene’s letter to her past self. Thanks to both of you for sharing.
Hi Emily,
Letters are starting to trickle in and it’s lovely reading peoples’ advice and experience. I hope to have one from you one day!
Thanks for stopping by, Emily. It’s a lovely idea and I wish I could actually time travel!!
Hello Helene
I am new to Facebook site for writers, saw it there a couple of weeks ago, clicked on all the places and as on thing leads to another, here I am writing to you.
I have a website ‘The Global Farmer’ ( so there are no prizes for guessing my background in agriculture and agribusiness. Details about me and the three books I have written and the bad experiences at the hands of a dishonest printer, are all opn the Global Farmer site, under, would you believe where it says ‘books’
For better or worse, I will soon find out, I have marketed, or in the process of to be exact of marketing, flogging, my latest tale ‘Bangalore’ on Print on Demand (POD) through an innovative company Tablo which run by some young and enthusiastic people in Melbourne. I got a few copies of Bangalore the other day and the quality is really good (535pp) printed in Australia which surprised me.
I write to introduce myself really and to say that I hope this latest venture of your goes well and we ‘talk’ again.
Kind regards
Hi Roger, thanks for commenting on Helene’s guest post. This isn’t her website, though, so maybe you’d like to intro yourself at:
Good luck with Tablo. I’ve been looking into it myself.
Happy writing. Monique
Thanks, Monique 🙂
Thanks for dropping by, Roger. Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad experience… And I do hop Tablo doe s a fine job for you – great to hear they’re using the Australian printing industry too.
All the best with your latest story.