A few months ago Simon & Schuster invited a bunch of Aussie book bloggers to “compete” for the privilege to reveal the cover of Ellie O’Neill’s debut novel, Reluctantly Charmed. Did they know what they would unleash? The #reluctantlycharmed hashtag got rather a work out, as bloggers shared favourite quotes to stir up interest, while others wrote blog posts and created memes. You can imagine my surprise when I was chosen to do the big reveal!
Without further ado, here is the cover … I think it has a fresh, whimsical appeal that well matches the story it holds. Does it make you want to dive in? Watch out for my review later today.
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The cover really does capture the story within Monique and was just so excited when I saw it. Simon and Schuster have done a great job … and so have you!
Thank you, Marcia. I think the cool colours of the background belie the mayhem within! Watch out for my review later today.
Congratulations on being chosen to host the cover reveal for Reluctantly Charmed. The cover looks gorgeous–and so fitting for the book.