Can you believe it’s August already? And can you believe the Christmas goodies are starting to leak into the supermarkets already? Seriously. I saw mince pies for sale yesterday.
This month I’m joining another bloggers’ read along hosted by Bree from All The Books I Can Read. Publisher Allen & Unwin have initiated this read along, following the success of our June read along of My Hundred Lovers by Susan Johnson. The book we’ll be reading is The Unfinished Journals of Elizabeth D by Nichole Bernier.
Bree will set up a reading schedule ahead of the August 15 kick-off date … watch this space for my thoughts. I’ll also be linking into Bree’s site from here so you can read other bloggers’ comments.
I love the cover of this book – the window is like the door to the book. Open me, it says, come inside, live in my world for a while. The blurb just makes me want to dive in there even faster. Here it is:
Summer vacation with her family was supposed to be a restorative time for Kate, who’d lost her close friend Elizabeth in a plane crash. But when she inherits a trunk of Elizabeth’s journals, they reveal a woman far different than the cheerful wife and mother Kate thought she knew.
The complicated portrait of Elizabeth – her upbringing, her marriage, and journey to motherhood – makes Kate question not just their friendship, but her own deepest beliefs about loyalty and honesty at a moment of uncertainty in her own marriage. When an unfamiliar man’s name appears in Elizabeth’s pages, Kate realises the extent of what she didn’t know about her best friend, including where she was really going when she died.
I’m reading about three books at the moment … it’s my way of “chilling out”. Now, if only I had a chocolate or two, a crackling fire, a mug of hot chocolate … my reading dream at the end of a long day.