Do you have a critique partner? When I first started writing Wherever You Go, my kindred spirit friend and fellow writer Maureen Eppen and I
Do you have a critique partner? When I first started writing Wherever You Go, my kindred spirit friend and fellow writer Maureen Eppen and I
For decades, Marian Matta wrote whatever was called for, from medical articles and historical research to film scripts, but she began concentrating on the short
My husband leaves for work at 5 a.m. I feel his lips brush my cheek, but don’t move. An hour later, my alarm goes off
Claudine Tinellis is a one-time corporate lawyer turned writer who enjoys writing commercial contemporary women’s fiction. She has completed many writing courses including the much-lauded
Kelly Van Nelson is the bestselling author of the Graffiti Lane and Punch and Judy poetry collections. She is a trailblazer, raising awareness on anti-bullying
In these challenging times, author Eva Scott has found what keeps her grounded. Eva comes from a family of storytellers and has been writing her
A long time ago, someone gave me some words that needle at me whenever I’m about to start a new project. I was in my
Shannon Meyerkort is a West Australian author with a focus on historical fiction and finding meaningful real-life stories that can be turned into narratives. She has
With six weeks before Wherever You Go is released, I’ve been hard-pressed to find good chunks of writing time. Instead, I’ve been writing in the
As Covid-19 restrictions changed much about the way we live (for now!) and interact, authors, creators, publishers – and the Arts industry in general –
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