Welcome to the 2015 Australia Day Book Giveaway Blog Hop. All over Australia, book bloggers, authors and reviewers have joined forces to celebrate Aussie writers with a fair dinkum prize-winning bonanza. At my last count more than 30 blogs had signed up! What’s this mean for you? It means you have a pretty good chance of winning a book (or other bookish prize) – and the more blogs you hop to, the more chances you’ve got. A big shout out to Shelleyrae at Book’dOut for once again hosting this very book-ish event – to check out the other blogs click on the flag image above or click here.
I guess you want to know what I have to give away, right? One lucky winner from Australia will win a copy each of Meant to Be by Fiona McCallum (reviewed here) and Heart of the Valley by Cathryn Hein.
Here’s what you need to do to enter – add a comment telling me which Australian book you would recommend to an overseas friend as a must read. Entries will close midnight Tuesday, January 27 and winner/s will be notified via email.
Thanks for visiting Write Note Reviews. If you want to keep up with reviews, giveaways and other bookish news, I’d love it if you follow my FB page or subscribe to my posts.
And don’t forget to check out all the other blogs on the tour.
0 Responses
Fiona McCallum’s book Meant to be is a winner
I find there are lots of wonderful Aussie authors out there, so recommending just one is difficult. But I recently finished Storm Clouds by Bronwyn Parry and would highly recommend that one if you’re a lover of romantic suspense, heavier on the suspense. The beauty of the Australian bush and especially our National Parks comes across vividly in this one 🙂
I just read that one Brenda and my review is coming soon – I agree with what you’re saying about it. Which book would you choose from the two I’m giving away?
Kalinda by Evan Green. I read this book and loved it so much. Its a huge book and once i had finished it I felt quite lost. I loved it so much that I shared it with friends and purchased 2 extra copies to give to friends in Canada and the USA. It covers a great area of the outback and has a lot of things in the book that are exclusive to Australian living such as how large the stations are and it talks of Aboriginal dreamtime and what it means, etc. Not only is it a wonderful story but educational also.
Hi Monique! I recently finished The Blue Mile by Kim Kelly; I would totally recommend it to an overseas friend! A romance set against the building of the harbour bridge. I learnt so much about both the construction of our great landmark as well as the political climate… Oh and the male lead left me quite swoony – that always helps! 😉 Happy Australia Day.
I would recommend The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
I would also recommend The Blue Mile by Kim Kelly What could be more Australian than the Habour Bridge
Oh wow that’s way too hard! I’m thinking do I go with a brilliant story by an Aussie author or actually a more factual, historical book telling a tale of how awesome this country is – ahh I can’t choose.
Fleur McDonald’s Silver Clouds, or any of her books are wonderful Australian novels, I love them and would recommend them highly
I would recommend Ronan’s Echo by Joanne van Os. It was one of my top reads for 2014
Just one book by an Australian author? I would probably recommend Dirt Music by Tim Winton which offers readers such a vivid depiction of the Western Australian landscape.
Other books that I might recommend:
Come in Spinner by Dymphna Cusack and Florence James (wonderful, no holes barred depiction of Sydney during the second world war)
Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey (interesting take on colonial Australia)
The Sound of One Hand Clapping by Richard Flannigan
The Secret River by Kate Grenville
Storm Boy by Colin Thiele
Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey!
I would recommend Liane Moriarty’s books, especially “Big Little Lies”, the characters are normal everyday Aussies.
Wanted to let you know that you’re running a fab giveaway Mon – no need to enter me into the giveaway. Just showing my support for a great blogger 🙂
Gothic Hospital by Gary Crew!
I haven’t heard of that one. Will have to check on that one.
I’d recommend both A fortunate Life and Poor Mans Orange, both awesome books and unabashedly Australian. Thank you for getting me to think about them, I’ll put them on my list to read again!
Oh, so many books to recommend to overseas friends!
I always recommend Looking for Alibrandi, by Melina Marchetta, because that’s very much the Australia I recognise.
I like to recommend the Corinna Chapman books by Kerry Greenwood, because I love her view of Melbourne.
I recommend both Brian Caswell and Tansy Rayner Roberts because they are both just phenomenally good writers.
If my friends read romance at all, I like to recommend Anne Gracie and Anna Cowan.
And if my friends like more old-fashioned books, I enjoy recommending Playing Beattie Bow.
I also occasionally recommend the Norah of Billabong books, less as novels and more as a historical resource – they are fun reads, but they also give a very strong flavour of what Australians thought on a variety of subjects in the early 20th century (and it’s interesting watching Mary Grant Bruce’s own views develop over the decades).
The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May Gibbs. A magical introduction to the flora and fauna of the Aussie bush. What a lovely way for someone to get to know the names of our native plants and our bush friends that live there. Have a wonderful Australia Day.
I would recommend Wife On the Run by Fiona Higgins. A fun read with lots of Aussie inside. There is a caravanning holiday around Australia to begin your journey. Lots of little bits and pieces to read that show our wonderful unique Aussieness.
I enjoyed Wife on the Run, as well. Some rather funny moments on that trip!
Would love to read Heart of the Valley by Cathryn Hein. I haven’t read any of her books yet. I already have Meant to Be and look forward to reading it, especially after reading Saving Grace & Time will Tell. Really like Fiona McCallum’s books.
I think you’d enjoy Cathryn Hein’s books, Tanya.
i would recommend the books I have read recently…anything by Rachael Johns…
I’m yet to read Outback Ghost, Lisa. What did you think of it?
Fiona McCallum’s as i’ve read number 2 time will tell couldn’t it down, i love that someone from overseas can read what it like in Australian outback farm
I recently read a book called Lyrebird Hill (by Anna Romer) which I think would share some of the right messages with o/s readers.
I loved that book, Deborah. Anna Romer’s writing is terrific.
So many great books, loved Poor Mans Orange and Playing Beattie Bow, great Australina books!
I’d recommend Allison Butler – The Healer:)
Two great books there Monique! I absoutely loved Heart Of The Valley when I read it a year or so ago. There’s something about Cathryn Hein’s writing that I simply can’t resist! I’m also a huge fan of Fiona McCallums and brought this book when it was released but haven’t yet quite got to it yet. My TBR pile is HUGE at the moment!
I’m not entering the giveaway, just wanted to drop by and show my support for the blog hop and your blog 🙂
I hope you and your family had a fantastic Australia Day Long Weekend!
Tim Winton without a doubt,just loved Cloud Street, you can just see the places in your mind as you are reading because it’s our town.
Ruth park also springs to mind with The Harp in the South.
The most heart breaking book I have read is Jessica by Bryce Courtney,so sad I still fill up when I think of it.
Enjoy Straya Day everyone
It’s so hard to choose, but then I did pose a similar question for my giveaway too! It depends on who I’m recommending to, of course, and what their interests are, but I’m always recommending Isobelle Carmody (especially her Obernewtyn series), Tomorrow, When the War Began, Jackie French and Rowena Cory Daniells. I would happily recommend writers like Markus Zusak, Tim Winton, Liane Moriarty etc. etc., except that they’re already doing so well overseas that I don’t need to! So I try to plug authors people might be less familiar with but who deserve wider success.
You’ve raised a really good point there, Shannon. There are a lot of underrated writers who deserve more attention.
I would recommend The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay, such a great read
I would recommend The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay, its such a great read
The winners of the books are Ceri (Heart of the Valley by Cathryn Hein) and Melissa Smith (Meant to Be) by Fiona McCallum. Thank you all for entering!