Author: Marty Wilson
Allen & Unwin RRP$17.99
Review: Monique Mulligan
IF you could turn back the clock and give your younger self one piece of advice about motherhood, what would it be?
As I reflect on this question, hundreds of ideas float through my head: Take the opportunity to rest, play with your children, don’t expect kids to fit into your schedule … But the one that right now is at the forefront of my mind is: don’t sweat the small stuff. I’m still learning that one.
In Marty Wilson’s gift-sized book What I Wish I Knew About Motherhood, nearly a hundred mums offer their funny, uplifting and profound insights into motherhood. It’s a lovely book that celebrates motherhood in all its forms and has a life lesson, big or small, for everyone.
For mums everywhere – especially the expectant ones.
This copy was courtesy of Allen & Unwin.