It’s pure coincidence that this teaser and my previous one (Adultery by Paolo Coehlo) include themes of infidelity, among others. No, this is not my theme of the month. In fact, I didn’t even finish Adultery – I just couldn’t get into it because I could not connect with the character/narrator’s voice. With Love at First Flight, I found myself wanting to follow the story through because I wanted to understand the two characters’ emotions. Knowing that her topic of choice is one that many find uncomfortable, author Tess Woods has written a thought-provoking guest post on Book Muster Down Under called “Why is writing about infidelity taboo but brutal murder isn’t?” It’s worth a read.
Here’s the teaser:
Yesterday I was carefree, excited. I was normal then. Now everything was different. Matt had changed everything. How could I go back to normal now? (35%)
And here’s another:
‘”The verb love is what counts, not the feeling of love. When you feel love, it’s selfish, it’s just for you and affects nobody but you. But when you act love, you are committing the act of loving somebody.”‘ (93%)
Here’s the blurb:
Looking back on it now, I can see it was instant. The second we locked eyes. Boom. Just like that. The me I had spent a lifetime perfecting began its disintegration from that moment. And despite the carnage it brought to all our lives, I still don’t regret it.
What would you risk to be with the love of your life? And what if your soul mate is the one who will destroy you?
Mel is living the dream. She’s a successful GP, married to a charming anaesthetist and raising a beautiful family in their plush home in Perth. But when she boards a flight to Melbourne, she meets Matt and her picture perfect Stepford life unravels as she falls in love for the first time ever. What begins as a flirty conversation between strangers quickly develops into a hot and obsessive affair with disastrous consequences neither Mel nor Matt could have ever seen coming. Mel’s dream life turns into her worst nightmare.
Love at First Flight will take everything you believe about what true love is and spin it on its head.
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
0 Responses
I like both teasers. The first makes me wonder what happened. The next one is so true:)
My TT –