Following the success of the My Hundred Lovers read-along, a group of bloggers decided they enjoyed it so much they wanted to do another read-along. To Blue Eyes’ amusement, I was one of those bloggers (“Haven’t you got enough books to review, honey?”). I’m now waiting on a copy of All That I Am by Anna Funder.
All That I Am took out the 2012 Miles Franklin Literary Award on June 20, capping off a post-publication dream run of prizes and sell-outs. It was an easy choice for the next read-along (being hosted by Stephen Ormsby’s blog and I’m really looking to reading my copy (hurry up Book Depository).
Here’s a blurb for those who haven’t heard of the book:
Ruth Becker, defiant and cantankerous, is living out her days in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. She has made an uneasy peace with the ghosts of her past – and a part of history that has been all but forgotten.
Another lifetime away, it’s 1939 and the world is going to war. Ernst Toller, self-doubting revolutionary and poet, sits in a New York hotel room settling up the account of his life.
When Toller’s story arrives on Ruth’s doorstep their shared past slips under her defences, and she’s right back among them – those friends who predicted the brutality of the Nazis and gave everything they had to stop them. Those who were tested – and in some cases found wanting – in the face of hatred, of art, of love, and of history.
It’s right up my alley – if you’ve read it, let me know what you thought. In the meantime, keep an eye out for discussion posts in the coming weeks.
In other updates, I’ve just finished reading Sophie Kinsella’s I’ve Got Your Number and Pictures of You by Caroline Leavitt. Reviews will be posted later this week for them. My wonderful mother-in-law, author Teena Raffa-Mulligan has just received copies of her latest children’s picture book Who Dresses God? and it’s just gorgeous. I love the cover; it’s whimsical and definitely one I would have picked up when my children were younger.
I’ll be reviewing that one too, but in the meantime, why not check out my chat with her?
Right, off to do some freelance stuff…and then more reading shall begin.