My writing week #5

When you’re writing, do you feel like a story lives in you and nags at you until it has been told? This has been my experience lately. I’ve been working on a short story about a woman whose eyes are opened by a child she meets in a hospital. But then, another story came to me. The inspiration was the photo above – the acacia or wattle flower. Whether through serendipity or coincidence, I started writing the story on September 1, which in Australia is Wattle Day – that connection only came to me later.

A voice started to emerge – the voice of Jane, a young girl who meets a new girl in town called Acacia. What’s emerging is a story about the “mind your own business” mentality when it comes to what’s going on in other peoples’ homes. I’m about two-thirds through – just hitting that point when I have to rely on discipline because self-doubt is kicking in, as it is wont to do. I found this blog post from author Natasha Lester to be encouraging in this regard: “What’s more important for writers: self-belief or self-discipline?” From the early feedback I’ve had, I need to trust myself on this one. And keep writing.

I’m looking forward to attending the New Norcia Writers Festival this weekend. It’s taking place in a gorgeous Benedictine Monastery and will include talks, monastery tours, a recital, and a buffet lunch (hopefully with some of the famous New Norcia sourdough).

The following weekend I’ll be heading down south on a one-day research trip for my novel. It’s been on the backburner while I finish the short stories, but I’m quite excited about getting stuck into it again.

How’s your writing going?

Reading-wise, I finished Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall and started the sequel Bring Up the Bodies. I’ve also just finished Sophie Hannah’s A Game for all the Family and Tony Cavanaugh’s Kingdom of the Strong. Reviews of the latter two will be on Write Note Reviews this week.

Here are a few photos I took over the past week (I’m sharing some taken on a wildflower walk separately). Click on the images for more detail.

Click to see the pollen spread by bees.
A nasturtium from another angle.
Playing with light.
Playing with light.


Picture of Monique Mulligan

Monique Mulligan

0 Responses

  1. Hi Monique, that last photo is my favorite. I always tell myself to just finish whatever I’m working on it and THEN worry about it. Nothing can be good if it’s incomplete or left to stagnate, so I try to keep things moving and then indulge in a little neurotic fretting later. 🙂

      1. It’s actually one of my key strategies for large family management. Too much going on around here to waste time worrying and weighing up every single thing that needs doing or deciding so I actually schedule time to worry — I mean, er, reflect — at some point during the day and then I don’t feel like I’m going to miss anything while I get on with everything else. 😀 Good luck with your story. 🙂

      2. I didn’t mean don’t work on the new story, BTW. The other one will still be there to finish when you go back to it. I just meant enjoy the momentum you feel on the new one and don’t second-guess where it’s taking you. 🙂

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