Midweek Moment #48: Winter in different coats

What does winter mean to you?


It’s cool and damp today. The perfect day for reading, writing and watching movies. If I didn’t have to catch up on proofreading the Writing the Dream anthology, I’d be doing any or all of those things. I’ve had three days’ work at a full-on dance festival that has sapped my energy for people, and the grey weather is perfect for the inside-loving me.

So, why have I chosen to share this picture from my archives? A picture of outside? Taken late winter, when the wintry sun blanketed the late afternoon with a golden glow, it is a picture that fills me with warmth on this cool day. It’s telling me that after all the work, there will be joy, there will be rewards, and my writer’s heart will be full.



Here are two more photos taken on the same day. I love the light at this time of day.




I’m heading down to Balingup for the Telling Tales children’s festival this weekend, so I hope to come back with plenty of photos to share. I am sure my creative mind will be sparked through being surrounded by other like-minded people.

From a golden glow to a cool green hue … Louise has a different take on winter.

‘It’s mid-winter and even in sunny Perth the moss is flourishing. It’s crept into our garden—over and between the pavers on the shady side of the house, and up the retaining walls. At the Lake the other day, I spotted it climbing the tree trunks, as if to keep them warm. Nature’s blanket.

As I was shooting this patch of moss, the sun appeared from behind a cloud and made it glow. These photos needed no adjustment—the vibrancy of the green is as it was. Truly a bright spot of winter.’

Beautiful, peaceful. Just what my heart craves today.

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About Midweek Moment:
Louise Allan and I are writers who share a passion for photography. As a creative digression from the written word, we share our favourite photos each week in ‘Midweek Moment’. Please click over to Louise’s website to view more of her photography and to read her writing. We hope you enjoy!




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