Midweek Moment #46: No one's raining on our parade

Are you a pluviophile? A lover of rain? Someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days?


Louise and I both love the opportunities the rain brings, and without discussing it, rain was the inspiration for both our photos. I took my camera to work and snapped a few macro shots before I got stuck into all things dry and marketing. Being creative is a great way to start the day – it just gave me a little zing when I saw how well these drops on a rose stem turned out. If you look at the drops, you can see the sky and clouds. The clarity of the drops blew me away – and made me covet the 100mm lens even more.


The day before, I stopped on the side of the road to capture photos of mist rising over the plains. I only had my iPhone, but look how well this turned out. To me, cooler weather brings my favourite photo ops. I much prefer cooler weather to hot – however, I do prefer to be inside when it rains and head out afterwards when the air is full of nature’s perfume.


Louise is more of a summer person. Blue skies are inviting, she feels more energetic, and she wants to venture out for walks and photos. She whinges and moan when it’s grey and cold, especially when it’s raining and she has to walk the dogs. But once she’s out and walking, she feels better, and afterwards, she feels great! Wet and cold, but great! It’s more the thought than the actual doing.

Yesterday, it was raining when she walked, but despite that, the bush was shimmering: “I took a leaf (pardon the pun) from Monique’s book, and zoomed in close for some macro shots of a lavender bush.”

This is just one of the many photos she took—you can find a few more on her blog. It seems that even under a grey sky, there’s still much to be found that’s beautiful.



About Midweek Moment:
Louise Allan and I are writers who share a passion for photography. As a creative digression from the written word, we share our favourite photos each week in ‘Midweek Moment’. Please click over to Louise’s website to view more of her photography and to read her writing. We hope you enjoy!



Picture of Monique Mulligan

Monique Mulligan

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