“The more we try to control nature, the more imbalanced our world becomes.”
― Fennel Hudson, A Meaningful Life – Fennel’s Journal – No. 1
I haven’t taken many photos this week so I’ve dipped into the archives.
This photo was taken when my sister visited Perth a couple of years ago. We took a break while walking near Mt Vincent (near Jarrahdale, WA), and while looking for wildflowers to photograph, I spotted this little lizard sunning itself on a rock. It seemed curious about me, and allowed me to get very close. It was like a little game, where we tested boundaries and comfort zones, but finally, just after I snapped this picture, the lizard reached its tipping point and scurried off.
Louise, despite her camera woes last week, still managed to get out and about, making the most of the newsworthy rain we had in Perth this week. The lake where she walks the dogs had dried up over the summer. Its basin was baked by the heat, and hardened and fissured, and was littered with craggy tree trunks. It looked quite desolate, ghostly even, until the rain started filling it again. It’s not full—as you can see, the water only reaches just past the swan’s ankles—but it’s nice to see the reflections in the surface and the birds’ wings splash as they take flight.
Once a week, Louise (of Louise Allan: Life From the Attic) and I team up to share creative photos on our websites. It’s all part of our challenge to stretch ourselves creatively.