Midweek Moment #36: The comfort zone

To stay in the comfort zone or not … sometimes that is the question. For Louise and I, our different decisions had varying results.


Last week I discovered I’m not allergic to bee stings. I was bringing in the wash, and was stung by a bee who was looking for pollen in a strange place … a sock.

After the initial sting, I was fine and had no hard feelings towards my little friends pollinating my veggie patch. Below is one of them getting up close and personal with a passionfruit flower.

I did try for an action shot, but in the end this one, with a fat little bee on an exotic flower won me over. I’m thinking it’s time for me to get out of the comfort zone.


Louise went of her comfort zone and has been experimenting with her camera at slow shutter speeds. She says the results have been mixed, but she’s improving all the time. Yesterday was wet and dull, but as the sun went down, the clouds parted just enough to allow this photo.  I love the soft effect of the water – it looks ethereal. What do you think?

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Unfortunately, when she went back this morning, a rogue wave caught her tripod and upended her camera. She’s now on the hunt for a new camera. You can read more of her story here.


Once a week, Louise (of Louise Allan: Life From the Attic) and I team up to share creative photos on our websites. It’s all part of our challenge to stretch ourselves creatively.




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