Midweek Moment #22

Welcome back to Midweek Moment for 2016. I’m looking forward to a year of literary and creative adventures. How about you?

The photo I’m sharing this week relates directly to my post My Writing Week #14, which expresses some challenges I faced with writing this past week.

I went to the park, armed with a camera, for some much needed space and fresh air. I needed to clear my head, or at least escape from it for a while. This one-legged seagull caught my eye because he was still standing strong and proud, even though life had obviously thrown him a challenge or two. Like me. Sometimes we get knocked over, and some of us can get up and face things again. Not everyone is able to do that.


Louise has also expressed the concept of space, but in an entirely different way. Her photo was taken on the way to the Great Barrier Reef. As she says: “We were still close to land, but the further away we got, the more the sky opened up, so that by the time we reached the reef, the sky was a vast, never-ending blue. I chose this photo because I like the crowded sky and the ominous-looking sea, and the way the eye is drawn to the clouds on the horizon at the centre of the photo.” It’s beautiful and makes me wish I were there. It also makes me think of exploring new horizons.

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Once a week, Louise (of Louise Allan: Life From the Attic) and I team up to share creative photos on our websites. It’s all part of our challenge to stretch ourselves creatively.



Picture of Monique Mulligan

Monique Mulligan

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