Today I seem to have fallen foul of the good health fairy so I have been sent home from work. Blue Eyes has told me to banish the thought of house cleaning from my mind and just read. For once I’m listening and I’m on my bed, having just finished Losing You by Susan Lewis. At over 500 pages, it was a hefty read in more ways than one! A review will be online soon, once my head stops pounding, my brain stops feeling like it’s going to fall out of my nose, and I can actually keep food down.
I spent my downtime over the Easter break reading The Hunger Games trilogy and finishing The House on Willow Street by Cathy Kelly. Loved the suspense of THG; for those who haven’t cottoned onto this amazing young adult series, it’s worth a look, especially if you like a strong heroine and a fast-paced storyline. I’m not reviewing the trilogy – it was a loan from a young friend – but a review of Kelly’s latest book will be uploaded…soon!
My sweet but chubby feline friend has joined me and the sound of her snoring is well, cute and somewhat compelling. It makes me want to have a little “nana nap”, something I rarely do in the middle of the day. With that, I’m going to lay my head down and snooze.