Breaking new ground

This year has been a one for breaking new ground – in more than one sense. After realising that my life was far less “balanced” than I wished it to be, I made the move to leave my job and start afresh elsewhere.

It was not an easy decision and one that ended up being “forced”. Ever had that experience, where you know you have to do something, but you put it off and off until… something happens and you have to jump, to step into the deeper water, and see what happens next?

I was a newspaper editor at a community paper and a combination of extreme stress and repetitive strain injury led to a severe case of burnout. I went from a hundred emails a day, writing and laying out stories, snapping photos and more… to nothing. I couldn’t hang the washing, vacuum, lift anything heavy (not even saucepans) and for “can’t sit still” person like me, that was incredibly difficult. I had no confidence in myself and that was compounded by the fact that I couldn’t do much at all.

So I walked, and cooked, deepened friendships and renewed friendships. I read, I meditated and I typed when my arms could handle it. I caught up on movies I’d always wanted to see. Best of all, I was home when my family came home from work and school, ready with freshly chopped fruit for the children, and coffee for my husband.

Eventually I was well enough to try a return to work program and from that I found work at an arts centre doing media and marketing. I also run a children’s storytime session. Last week I had two emails – and that was OK! I’ve written a coffee-table book for an organisation nearby, secured freelance publicist work… and all on my own terms. Breaking new ground, finding my balance, finding me.

I hope you enjoy the blog and I’m also on Facebook at Balancing Act:




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