Did you know there’s an Ask a Stupid Question Day? Apparently there is in the USA (in September). Here in Australia we don’t celebrate commemorate make a big deal of a singular Ask a Stupid Question day, but that could be a way of leaving our options open … an open-ended get out of jail free card, if you will, for the days when we ask a stupid question and save face with “Oh, but it’s Ask a Stupid Question Day, mate, I was just kiddin’ … ya really think I’m that stupid?”
I think the digital universe saved a whole bunch of Ask a Stupid Question Day questions for me today, as if I was singled out to be the recipient of some bigger-than-me cyber-space prank. Prepare yourself for an onslaught of stupidity.
Ask a Stupid Question Day Scenario 1 – at work
Work web page: Do you wish to save this password for future use? Y or N.
Me: *clicks NO and waits for access*
Work web page: Do you wish to save this password for future use? Y or N.
Me: *clicks NO again, raises eyebrow and waits for access*
Work web page: Do you wish to save this password for future use? Y or N.
Me: *clicks NO again, raises both eyebrows, drums fingers and waits for access*
Work web page: Do you wish to save this password for future use? Y or N.
Me: *Mutters slightly naughty word, threatens to come back and sort site out good and proper and closes page, still muttering about lack of (artificial) intelligence on site*
I’m sure website should listen when I say NO. Why ask this question if it’s going to ignore me? Stupid.
Ask a Stupid Question Day Scenario 2 – at work
Event company web page: Enter venue name.
Me: *does as told and presses NEXT button*
Event company web page: You cannot leave venue name blank.
Me: *Mutters slightly naughty word followed by an indignant “I did!” (it could have been the other way around) and presses NEXT button again, hoping logic will prevail*
Event company web page: You cannot leave venue name blank.
Me: *presses CANCEL, deciding to come back later when site is behaving*
Event company web page: (see picture)
Me: *presses YES (it’s a good idea)*
Event company web page: You cannot leave venue name blank.
Me: *presses CANCEL again, deciding site is operating in stupid mode*
Event company web page: Your changes on this page have not been saved. Do you wish to save your changes?
Me: *oh for goodness sake, YES! And haven’t we already had this discussion?*
Event company web page: You cannot leave venue name blank.
Really? Really? Stupid.
Scenario 3 – At home, discussion with under-the-weather Monkey following school ball (the under-the-weather bit is a whole other story)
Me: When you wake up, have a shower. You reek, Monkey.
Monkey: *eyes shut, lying on bed* I’m not sleeping now. *intonation suggests I’ve made a stupid assumption, despite the evidence*
Me: Well, what do you call what you’re doing then?
Monkey: I’m just having a little nap.
Of course. I did ask a stupid question. I’m not sure it ranks as highly as Blue Eyes’ “Do you think I’m stupid?” to Miss Attitude (doesn’t he know you never ask a kid that?), but apparently it rates. Sadly, it’s not the only stupid question I asked today. The other one I’m admitting to is “Who shut the cafe door?” after I walked into it this morning. Luckily no one was around. My nose still feels a bit tender, but my pride is fine because no one knows I did this.
The stupidity doesn’t end there today. There’s the printer that wouldn’t allow me to select PRINTER PROPERTIES so I could print tickets on landscape orientation no matter how many times I clicked PRINTER PROPERTIES. And earlier today, while preparing another blog post a sentence kept disappearing every time I previewed the post. It was there in the post … press PREVIEW and gone. Tried again. The sentence is still missing- but-not-missing. I asked myself, “Am I blind? Is this sentence really there but in invisible font?” Actually, that was a logical question, not a stupid one, but I know the computer was testing me, asking “Are you sure you’re not just imagining this? Are you sure this missing- but-not-missing scenario is not all in your head?”.
I know what I can see … and can’t see, WordPress – what do you think I am? Don’t you dare answer that!
So, how was your day? Or is that a stupid question?
4 Responses
This is what Mr 4 just asked me: “why is a banana called a banana”… very sorry about your day, and about your nose.
Ask him why lemons aren’t called yellows, since oranges are orange. That’ll get him.
My youngest son asked me today to take him bowling for MY birthday next week! His reasoning being I’m too old to have a party but they should still be able to have fun!
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