Author: Kim Stagliano
Skyhorse Publishing
Review: Monique Mulligan
IT’S hard work raising kids – I know, I have four children at home and three are teenagers. But I take my hat off to those parents raising kids with autism, such as Kim Stagliano, who is raising three daughters with autism.
This memoir, or “Kimoir”, is a poignant read that couples self-deprecating humour with heartbreak, moments of lightness with illumination – even those of us with “typical” kids get it (almost). She details her journey raising Mia, Gianna and Bella through periods of financial desperation, unemployment and an ongoing search for treatment, leaving the family always seeming on the edge of a “stagastrophe”, but never quite falling apart. From basement floods to “crapisodes”, Stagliano retains her sense of sense of humour and ability to appreciate the absurd, but is quick to point out that she is no “mother superior” – “Just a good mother”.
She also raises challenging questions about childhood vaccination, the rise in numbers of autism diagnoses and the possible impact this will have on treatments, and how the media should portray autism – do people really “get” how tough autism is for families? I have a few friends raising children with autism and they are absolutely dedicated to finding treatments for their children that will improve their child’s future outlook. I will be recommending this book to them.
There’s a list of useful websites at the end.