Autumn is my favourite season, especially now that the weather has cooled off. I love the colours, the cool breath in the wind, the chance to dig out my boots, and snuggling up under a blanket again.
I haven’t been out and about with the camera this week, but when I saw Louise’s photo, I decided to go with the Autumn theme as well. It suited me well because after a few months’ break (working on other writing projects) I’m returning to my novel. It always takes a while to reacquaint yourself with the characters and settings, so I’ve been looking through some photos of the area the story is set.
This photo was taken in Bridgetown, WA, four years ago. I love the road bordered by vibrant on a grey Autumn day. It makes me want to follow it and see where it leads. Actually, I know where it leads, because that’s the road we followed to our riverside accommodation for the weekend.
We walked through the town and I was captivated by the trees. In Perth, Autumn is not as noticeable. The deciduous trees mostly go brown and the leaves shrivel. Coming from the eastern states, I sorely miss “real” Autumn.
Louise managed to get out with her camera after our weekend storms. As Autumn ebbs and the air chills, many of the trees are already bare. However, she managed to find some sunlight and colour yesterday morning.
I love the way the blue sky contrasts with the red of the leaves. Louise, you’ve made me want to go and find some trees to photograph again … but if I do that today, I’ll never get the novel finished.
What’s your favourite season?
Once a week, Louise (of Louise Allan: Life From the Attic) and I team up to share creative photos on our websites. It’s all part of our challenge to stretch ourselves creatively.