Month: December 2017

Monique Mulligan

What’s your one word for 2018?

When someone asked me what my one word was for 2018, I was stumped. I’d never thought of focusing on one word to set my course

Monique Mulligan

What have I been reading #9?

I seem to be visiting the past with my reading lately. Do you ever find that you read according to a theme or genre for

Monique Mulligan

Shelf Aware – my writing and reading life

My lovely kindred spirit friend Maureen Eppen featured me on her Shelf Aware series this week. Here’s a snippet, but you’ll have to visit Maureen’s

Monique Mulligan

I Am More

[bctt tweet=”“Ideas are driven by a single impulse: to be made manifest.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” username=”MoniqueMulligan”] Do words call

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