Due to finishing my first novel and taking up a new role as a publisher with Serenity Press, I’ve been reading more than I’ve reviewed
Due to finishing my first novel and taking up a new role as a publisher with Serenity Press, I’ve been reading more than I’ve reviewed
I admit I’m not the best at taking my own advice. You know, the advice that goes something like, ‘Take a load off’, ‘Have a
Vanessa Carnevale is an author and freelance writer based in Melbourne, Australia, where she lives with her husband and two children. In her early twenties,
Reviews on this site will now comprise a book blurb and a short response. Life throws curve balls when we least expect them – and
Reviews on this site will now comprise a book blurb and a short response. Hope: An Anthology contains prize-winning and highly commended stories from the
My goal for 2016 was to finish writing my first novel, Wherever You Go. With weeks to go, I managed to achieve that goal. I
This little bird danced around in my golden kangaroo paws this morning, drinking nectar as it hopped from stem to stem, trilling sounds of joy
“Why do you need an agent?” my mum asked. She was genuinely curious, being interested in writing her own novel. That’s a really good question.
Writing a synopsis. Most writers hate writing them. But if you want a literary agent or publisher to seriously consider your manuscript, it’s usually not
Wherever You Go is now in the hands of three wonderful, much-appreciated beta readers: Teena Raffa-Mulligan, Lily Malone and Maureen Eppen. And I’m waiting …
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