RED SAND SUNRISE Author: Fiona McArthur Michael Joseph RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Fiona McArthur is well known in the rural romance genre, but Red
RED SAND SUNRISE Author: Fiona McArthur Michael Joseph RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Fiona McArthur is well known in the rural romance genre, but Red
PIZZICA PIZZICA Author: Hayley Egan Hayley Egan RRP $24.95 Review: Monique Mulligan If I was in the children’s library choosing a book for young children, I’d
RELUCTANTLY CHARMED Author: Ellie O’Neill Simon & Schuster RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Magical realism, romance and a healthy dose of humour unite in Reluctantly Charmed, Ellie
A few months ago Simon & Schuster invited a bunch of Aussie book bloggers to “compete” for the privilege to reveal the cover of Ellie O’Neill’s debut
My quest to read “just because” for a while is allowing me to revisit some of my much-loved favourites. Last week I dusted off Anne
Recently I’ve had to put my love of photography on the back burner – holding a heavy camera when you have a torn tendon in your
I’d like to thank author Juanita Keys for contributing this guest post about subliminal messaging. Juanita graduated from the Australian College QED, Bondi with a
Note, the format of my Short and Sweet reviews differs in that they simply comprise the book blurb and a short response (hence, the short and sweet).
I’d like to thank author Kylie Doust for contributing this guest post about her memoir From Here To Maternity. After completing university and exploring the world, her
Note, the format of my Short and Sweet reviews differs in that they simply comprise the book blurb and a short response (hence, the short and sweet).
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