Dear Unpublished Natasha, Okay, let’s knock one thing on the head up front. Your first book will not win the Booker Prize. In fact, you
Dear Unpublished Natasha, Okay, let’s knock one thing on the head up front. Your first book will not win the Booker Prize. In fact, you
Last week I signed a publishing contract and received an agent rejection the same day. On the scale of things, the balance is tipped in
“I don’t think this novel is working for me.” My husband and I were having our afternoon coffee and chat when I blurted this nugget
I set myself a challenge of reading more non-fiction books in 2019, so when I saw Anna Funder’s Stasiland at the Perth Festival Writers Week
Many years ago, I went to an art class, full of enthusiasm and a desire to paint from the heart. Before I go on, here
Hello Lee, And I still remember so well how you’re feeling right now. It’s 2004 and you’re thirty and a year ago your third fiction
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