THE WINTER SEA Author: Di Morrissey Macmillan Australia RRP $32.99 Review: Monique Mulligan With sales in excess of 2 million worldwide, it’s easy to see
THE WINTER SEA Author: Di Morrissey Macmillan Australia RRP $32.99 Review: Monique Mulligan With sales in excess of 2 million worldwide, it’s easy to see
JUST ONE EVIL ACT Author: Elizabeth George Hodder & Stoughton RRP $32.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Too long. That’s the short review of Elizabeth George’s Just One
THE VATICAN: ALL THE PAINTINGS Author: Anja Grebe Black Dog & Leventhal RRP $79.99 Review: Monique Mulligan When I heard how many many people visit
Amanda Curtin is a writer and book editor, who lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband and cat in a house that used to
THE ORCHARD OF LOST SOULS Author: Nadifa Mohamed Simon & Schuster RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan In 1988, I was in Year 11 of school,
I am not a sporty person. I played in a netball comp for several years, I can ski and I can ice-skate, but that’s about
THE BEST OF US Author: Sarah Pekkanen Simon & Schuster RRP $24.99 Review: Monique Mulligan The tagline (Australian edition) “When paradise isn’t quite what it
SINFUL FOLK Author: Ned Hayes Campanile Books eBook RRP $9.99 Review: Monique Mulligan In the end, I listen to my fear. It keeps me awake,
POLICE Author: Jo Nesbo Harvill Secker RRP $32.95 Review: Monique Mulligan After reading The Bat and Cockroaches, the first two books in Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole
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