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Fill in your details below to contact Monique via email. If you would like access to sneak peeks, giveaways and other reading and writing news, you can opt in to my monthly email newsletter below. 

Wildflower & Wherever You Go have been acquired by Bloodhound Books. For all rights enquiries, please contact their rights agents here.

For all publicity requests, including booking me for an author event or talk, or for interview requests, please use the contact form below.

You can also find me at Creative Net Speakers Agency.


If you would like me to present a workshop to your library, school, writers centre, festival or other organisation, please use the contact form below.

Available workshops are here.

My rates are based on those recommended by the Australian Society of Authors.

As a former journalist, I am an experienced interviewer. Since 2012, I have interviewed more than 70 Australian authors at the Stories on Stage program at Koorliny Arts Centre; I have also chaired events at festivals including Perth Festival Writers Week. To book me to host an in-conversation, please use the contact form below.

My novel Wherever You Go is ideal for book clubs, with discussion points ranging from marriage and relationships, and grief and guilt, to food as a healer and community. If your book club is reading this book, I am happy to attend via Skype or Zoom for 30 minutes (if you’re in Perth, I may be able to attend in person). You’re welcome to ask me questions about the book and my writing process (and you can download book club questions here). 

I don’t charge to attend, as long as your group has at least six members and each one has purchased a copy of the book in any format (eBook, print, or audio). Please use the contact form below, let me know the date and time you’re interested in, and I’ll be in touch. 

I am so sorry to say that I’m unable to read and provide feedback on people’s manuscripts at this time.


I’d love to send you a free eBook of UNDER HER SPELL. Simply sign up for my monthly e-newsletter and your copy will be delivered to your inbox.

By subscribing, you have access to my Advance Reader Team and beta reader call-outs, giveaways, cover reveals, “you-heard-it-here-first” updates about my writing journey, and more. 

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