Take time to rest
I admit I’m not the best at taking my own advice. You know, the advice that goes something like, ‘Take a load off’, ‘Have a
I admit I’m not the best at taking my own advice. You know, the advice that goes something like, ‘Take a load off’, ‘Have a
Vanessa Carnevale is an author and freelance writer based in Melbourne, Australia, where she lives with her husband and two children. In her early twenties,
Reviews on this site will now comprise a book blurb and a short response. Life throws curve balls when we least expect them – and
Reviews on this site will now comprise a book blurb and a short response. Hope: An Anthology contains prize-winning and highly commended stories from the
Recently I was sent a copy of Living with the Locals by John Maynard & Victoria Haskins. The book comprises accounts from white people “who lived
During 2016, I’ve been involved in the production (as publisher, editor and a contributor) of an amazing book called Writing the Dream (Serenity Press). Here’s
Reviews on this site will now comprise a book blurb and a short response. Author Danielle Hawkins won me over with Dinner at Rose’s, and
Due to time restraints while I work on my own novel, reviews on this site will now comprise a book blurb and a short response.
Teena Raffa-Mulligan writes tales to entertain children of all ages and her publications include picture books, poems, stories, a chapter book and a novel. Recently, Teena has
Due to time restraints while I work on my own novel, reviews on this site will now comprise a book blurb and a short response.
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