BANQUET OF LIES Author: Michelle Diener Gallery Books RRP $16.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Few are who they seem in Banquet of Lies, Michelle Diener’s latest historical
BANQUET OF LIES Author: Michelle Diener Gallery Books RRP $16.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Few are who they seem in Banquet of Lies, Michelle Diener’s latest historical
G’day! Welcome to the 2014 Australia Day Book Giveaway Blog Hop. Can I hear an enthusiastic “Oi! Oi! Oi!” to indicate your excitement? All over
STELLA’S SEA Author: Sally-Ann Jones UWA Publishing RRP eBook $24.99 Review: Monique Mulligan ‘I’ve been lonely and I know loneliness makes you walk with heavy
‘Oh, it was the least I could do.’ He walked to the door, turned the handle, and pivoted. ‘By the way, you wouldn’t care to
THE HOUSE AT ANZAC PARADE Author: Victor Kline Frances Allen RRP eBook $7.09 Review: Monique Mulligan Life has been a rollercoaster ride for Sydney-based Victor
CLOSE UP Author: Kate Forster Michael Joseph RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Do you feel uncomfortable when people stand too close? Zoom in too close
Is there ever such a thing as too many books? I don’t think there are too many books to read, but there can definitely be
SYCAMORE ROW Author: John Grisham H & S Fiction RRP $39.99 (Hardback) Review: Monique Mulligan Did you read the book A Time to Kill by
TALES OF AUSTRALIA: GREAT SOUTHERN LAND Various authors, edited by Stephen C Ormsby & Carol Bond Satalyte Publishing eBook RRP $4.99 Review: Monique Mulligan When
THE PROPOSAL Author: Tasmina Perry Headline Fiction RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan With the temperature at 43C (that’s 111.2F) at the weekend, there was nothing
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