THE INVENTION OF WINGS Author: Sue Monk Kidd Headline Fiction RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Thought-provoking and compassionate, The Invention of Wings is a powerful novel of
THE INVENTION OF WINGS Author: Sue Monk Kidd Headline Fiction RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Thought-provoking and compassionate, The Invention of Wings is a powerful novel of
Note, the format of my Short and Sweet reviews differs in that they simply comprise the book blurb and a short response (hence, the short and sweet).
Note, the format of my Short and Sweet reviews differs in that they simply comprise the book blurb and a short response (hence, the short
Is there ever such a thing as too many books? I don’t think there are too many books to read, but there can definitely be
TIDDAS Author: Anita Heiss Simon & Schuster RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Some good friends and I have been meaning to start a book club for well
TIME WILL TELL Author: Fiona McCallum Harlequin RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan **GIVEAWAY ALERT – I’m giving away a copy of this on my FB
BEFORE WE MET Author: Lucie Whitehouse Bloomsbury Publishing RRP $27.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Once I’d read the blurb on the back of Before We Met, I
BIG BAD WOLF Author: Nele Neuhaus Macmillan RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Author Nele Neuhaus brings the chilling issue of child sexual abuse to the
Neesha hesitated. ‘Really, it’s nothing,’ she said. ‘It’s just … I’ve got my wires crossed again, that’s all. I didn’t think he was in New
Is there ever such a thing as too many books? I don’t think there are too many books to read, but there can definitely be
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