HALF MOON BAY Author: Helene Young Michael Joseph RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan A suspenseful page-turner was just what I wanted while on holidays recently
HALF MOON BAY Author: Helene Young Michael Joseph RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan A suspenseful page-turner was just what I wanted while on holidays recently
Is there ever such a thing as too many books? I don’t think there are too many books to read, but there can definitely be
Banafsheh Serov is the author of Under a Starless Sky, the true story of her family’s escape from Iran, and The Russian Tapestry, her first
BILL’S ITALIAN FOOD Author: Bill Granger Harper Collins RRP $49.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Italian food … just the thought makes me drool. I’m longing for
LONGBOURN Author: Jo Baker Doubleday RRP $32.95 Review: Monique Mulligan I admit to being a little ambivalent about fan-fiction – earlier this year I read Jane
THE VALE GIRL Author: Nelika McDonald Pan Macmillan RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Atmospheric and evocative, The Vale Girl is a cleverly written debut novel
Is there ever such a thing as too many books? I don’t think there are too many books to read, but there can definitely be
THE BONE SEASON Author: Samantha Shannon Bloomsbury RRP $29.99 (August release) Review: Aaron Mulligan I was sent an uncorrected proof of this book but before
TRACES OF ABSENCE Author: Susan Holoubek Macmillan Australia RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan An emotional and gripping novel, Traces of Absence is the debut from Susan Holoubek
No. She couldn’t help Seamus Dunne, although the image of him cutting his father’s hair remained with her, the bright blades opening and closing in
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