ELIJAH’S MERMAID Author: Essie Fox Orion RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Elijah’s Mermaid has garnered some mixed reviews – I get the feeling reading them that
ELIJAH’S MERMAID Author: Essie Fox Orion RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Elijah’s Mermaid has garnered some mixed reviews – I get the feeling reading them that
THE TASTE OF APPLE SEEDS Author: Katharina Hagena Atlantic Books Review: Monique Mulligan A small girl sitting among apples. It was the cover that first
SEAMSTRESS, THE Author: Maria Duenas Picador RRP $32.99 Review: Monique Mulligan In the previous few months I’d slammed the door on my entire yesterday. I
THE STORYTELLER’S DAUGHTER Author: Maria Goodin Allen & Unwin RRP $27.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Published under the title Nutmeg in the UK and From the Kitchen of Half
THE TRADER’S DREAM Author: Anna Jacobs Hodder & Stoughton RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan I haven’t read the first two novels in Anna Jacobs’ The
PAPER CHAINS Author: Nicola Moriarty Bantam Australia RRP $32.95 Review: Monique Mulligan There’s a lot to love about Nicola Moriarty’s latest book Paper Chains. Moriarty has
MAN DROUGHT Author: Rachael Johns Harlequin Mira RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan I just asked Blue Eyes if I he thought I was a romantic
Losing February Author: Susanna Freymark Pan Macmillan RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Have you ever lost your sense of self? Been so worn down emotionally
HOW TO BE A GOOD WIFE Author: Emma Chapman Picador RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan Every now and then, along comes a book that takes
GRACE GROWS Author: Shelle Sumners Allen & Unwin RRP $29.99 Review: Monique Mulligan As we all know, best-laid plans sometimes fall by the wayside when
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